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6 Fun Ideas of Things to Do When Visiting a Loved One in an Assisted Living Center

We have put together 6 fun ideas of things you can do when visiting a loved one in an Assisted Living center. This is a great way to make your visits special and perhaps a little more exciting.

Photo Share

Dig up those old photos that have been sitting in the closet. Bring them with you on your next visit. Looking through old photos is a great way to spend time together and spark new conversations. You never know what stories or memories your loved one may share.

Pack a Picnic

Sharing a meal together is a way to bond. Put together a little picnic or snacks to share together. You could bring tea and cookies, crackers and cheese or something your family member really likes. You can even jazz things up by making mock cocktails – Add sparkling juice to lemonade or juice and drink them out of nice cups.

Pamper Time

Taking some time to pamper the one you love will be much appreciated. Bring lightly scented lotion, and offer your loved one a hand massage. Make sure to keep the pressure during the massage very gentle. You may also want to bring tools to give them a manicure or nail polish for the ladies that enjoy having their nails painted.

Get Fresh Air

When weather permits, taking your loved one outside to get fresh air can be an enjoyable experience. Many people spend a lot of time in their room, so this is an opportunity to walk to a courtyard or garden. Getting fresh air, and watching simple things like bird flying by can be appreciated by all involved.

Music Time

Music can do wonders to boost moods. Before you show up, research music that may have been popular when they were a kid. Playing old music can bring back memories and increase happiness. If you don’t know what kind of music they like, try listening to different types and see what they prefer. Have an impromptu sing along, or dance with your arms. If you’re not sure what type of music they like, watch their body language it will be telling to know if you should try playing a different type of music.

What fun things have you done when visiting an Assisted Living center? We’d love to hear about it, leave us a comment today!



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