A caregiver is anyone over the age of 18 that is helping care for someone over the age of 60 or someone between the age of 18-60 with a disability. The objective of this page is to create a resource for caregivers. This list of resources is catered to those in Idaho and is beneficial to a new caregiver feeling overwhelmed, or a seasoned caregiver that feels burned out.
Unfortunately, this type of work is very taxing by nature. It is emotionally, mentally, physically, and can even be socially draining as well. Caregiving work is noble, but it also takes a special set of skills. Someone could unexpectedly find themselves in a situation of needing to care for a family member with little knowledge of how to do so. This page can help! Take a look around and learn more about what resources are available to caregivers in Idaho.
Memory Care
Dementia is a disease that always leads to a need for additional care. These particular caregivers who are caring for those who suffer from memory loss may need specific guidance and support for their loved one’s condition.
Support Groups
Support groups are a setting where caregivers can meet others who are living in or have lived through a similar situation. It is important to have people in your circle that understand what you are going through and can be a listening ear or offer advice in time of need. Support groups can also be very educational. It is proven that talking about things we are going through helps relieve stress and helps us process information. Support groups are a special outlet for that. Because of the pandemic, many support groups went online. Below is a variety of virtual and in-person options.
Virtual Alzheimer’s Support Group– Alzheimer’s Association
In-person Caregiver Support for East Idaho– The Area Agency on Aging
Idaho 211 Careline. The hotline can be reached by simply dialing 211. Information about Medicaid and more will be referred to you.
Having a loved one that needs additional care can be costly in itself. In addition, if you have to work less or quit your job completely to care for your loved one, that will also add to the financial burden. While there are not many options beyond insurances such as Medicare and Medicaid, there are a few additional funding options that can be researched below.
Health and Welfare Funding Options
Respite Care
Respite care is something that every caregiver should know exists and know how to access it. Caregiving is a difficult job that is usually an all-day everyday kind of commitment. Respite care is a way of providing relief to a caregiver that is burned out and needs a break. It is also the option for when a caregiver is going on vacation or needs to leave town for a few days and cannot take their loved one with them. Respite care ranges from a few hours to a few days depending on the need.
In-Home Care– The Gables has locations all throughout Idaho and offers in-home care.
Short-term Stay– The Gables also offers adult day care or respite short-term stay options.
East Idaho– Offered through the local Area Agency on Aging
Southwest Idaho-Offered through the local Area Agency on Aging
Northern Idaho-Offered through the local Area Agency on Aging
Most individuals who step into the role of a caregiver are not professionally trained. They are usually family members that are trying to make it possible for their loved one to stay at home. Or sometimes the family simply cannot afford another care option. These videos are on a variety of caregiving topics and scenarios and could be very beneficial for a new, inexperienced caregiver.
Navigator– Connect to resources like counseling