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Memorial Day is Our Nation’s Solemn Reminder that Freedom is Never Free.

In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends. -Martin Luther King, Jr.

Why do we celebrate Memorial Day?  Memorial Day is a solemn day of remembrance for everyone who has died serving in the American armed forces.

Memorial Day was originally called “Decoration Day.”  It is celebrated on the last Monday in May.  President Donald Trump issued his proclamation for  Monday,  Memorial Day  2017, that all flags be flown at half-staff until noon, and he was recognizing the 100-years anniversary of the U.S. entering World War I.  He says, “Memorial Day is our nation’s solemn reminder that freedom is never free. It is a moment of collective reflection on the noble sacrifices of those who gave the last measure of devotion in service of our ideals and in the defense of our nations,”  he writes ” On this ceremonious day, we remember the fallen, we pray for the lasting peace among nations, and we honor these guardians of our inalienable rights.”  for full article click here. Newsweek

Memorial Day is celebrated differently for many. Some enjoy going to the cemetery or the place of rest to visit their loved ones. Some prefer to spend the day in nature embracing the spirituality of Gods beauty. Others choose to let the day pass by as if it is just another day, though they are grateful for the blessing they have, by living in this beautiful world and country. Often we take time each Memorial Day to just sit for a quiet moment and reminisce about those that have passed away.  Allowing your soul to show gratitude, kindness and even allow a tear or two to fall down your cheek. Barbecue’s are often celebrated on this day also. Family and friends get together and eat and celebrate the life of others and the lives they are allowed to live and embrace each day.

I was taught from a very young age, through watching my grandmother, Beatrice. She would  place flowers on the graves of her ancestors. If my grandmother was ever ill during Memorial Day,  she would make sure that one of her children or grand children would place flowers on specific graves. Each year, I hand select beautiful lilacs, place them in a vase to go on grandmother’s grave.  I am always careful as I place them carefully  by her headstone. This is my way of acknowledging that I still think of her and that she will forever be in my heart.  She never served in the military, but she was a mother of military children. HAPPY MEMORIAL DAY!

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