If you have a loved one in the Boise, Idaho area that is suffering from memory loss and needs to be placed in a memory care facility, consider looking into The Gables. The staff are well trained, the facility is safe and secure, and the residents are well cared for.
What causes memory loss?
Dementia is an umbrella term for memory loss. Alzheimers is a specific type of dementia, and the most common form. Dementia is caused by damage to brain cells. Specifically, when cells in the region of the brain that are in charge of memory are damaged, severe memory loss can occur.
Age and genetics play a large part in memory loss, and neither of those things can be prevented or changed. About 14% of those aged 70 and older have dementia and after the age of 65 overall memory loss increases to 40%.
Can memory loss be prevented?
Some forms of dementia are a result of a stroke. Stroke can be prevented by lowering risk of heart disease and overall living a healthy lifestyle. The Alzheimer’s Society lists a few things that may help prevent severe cognitive decline. Some of which include: physical activity, not smoking, mind exercises such as games and puzzles.
That being said, our bodies are not built to live forever. As our bodies decline physically, they naturally decline cognitively as well. So unless we find the well of everlasting life, age related memory loss is inevitable.
Genetics are something we are born with and make us predisposed to certain risk factors and disease. If your memory loss is genetic there is not an effective prevention strategy outside of simply trying to be healthy.
What is the best memory care treatment plan?
Most families find that it is difficult for them to care for their loved ones who suffer from dementia. Those who have advanced memory loss require near constant supervision and can benefit from some certain living arrangements and safety measures.
Some of the most effective treatments for those who suffer from dementia are a consistent schedule, safe environment, diet, incontinence care, and they may require a memory care facility.
A consistent yet flexible schedule is best for those who suffer from dementia. A routine instills predictability in their day so there is less confusion. However, those who suffer are also prone to emotional days and outbursts that may need special attention and some plans may need to be changed.
Safe Environment
Depending on the severity of the disease the person may require strict limitations such as a locked environment, alarm system, hiding of car keys or even revoke of a driver’s license. For the safety and wellbeing of the individual you may also want to hide or relocate dangerous objects such as sharp objects and potential weapons.
The caregiver or close loved one should be on alert for any substances that trigger negative behaviors. Sugar and caffeine commonly cause a rise in angry or aggressive behavior in those who have dementia. Some of the more severe cases also need help with feeding and may even need a liquid or pureed diet.
Incontinence Care
With the decline of cognitive function is an increase of incontinence. Cues for the need to use the restroom begin to fade and it may be in the best interest of the caregiver and the individual to invest in incontinence pads and underwear. It is important that the individual not feel embarrassed or guilty about any accidents.
Memory Care Facility
A memory care facility, such as The Gables, provides all of this for your loved one and can relieve the burden placed on family and in-home caregivers. Because facilities have rotating staff there is less burnout and more specific training.
Call today to speak with our staff about your options and to see if The Gables of Caldwell Memory Care is right for you. We serve all of the greater Boise area and would consider it a privilege to help craft a plan for your loved one. We have experience with a variety of levels of memory loss, and are passionate about retaining independence with our secured facility.