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how to know when it's time for assisted living

How To Know When It’s Time For Assisted Living

Family comes first. It’s a simple phrase. One that many of us have grown up with! Caring for our siblings, children, and finally parents is just a part of life. The dedication to caring for each other often makes options such as assisted living seem to be out of the picture. However, there are many situations in which assisted living may not just be necessary, but the best possible option for our parents and family members. Here are 4 telltale signs on how to know when it’s time for assisted living.

1. Life Events Make Their Care Burdensome

how to know when it's time for assisted livingOne of the best ways how to know when it’s time for assisted living is the pace of life. As life progresses, changes happen. We get new jobs, move, build our families, and so much more. Life can be a constant whirlwind of change. The ever altering topography of life can make providing the care our elderly family members need an insurmountable challenge. If you find yourself in this situation, more often than not, the elderly members of the family will receive better care in assisted living. Furthermore many of our loved ones hate the change even more than we do! They want to be able to live a simple routine. Enjoy time with friends and family, and live as best they can. This is exactly what assisted living is designed to help them do. No one is happy during the adjustment process, but soon they are happily spending time with their neighbors. No one needs to worry about whether or not they’ve had their pills already that morning, Someone will be there to care for them just when they need it 24/7.

2. The Care Required Is Beyond Our Capabilities

how to know when it's time for assisted livingAnother telling sign that it may be time to consider assisted living is when the care that our loved one needs is now exceeding what we are able to provide. As much as we fight the thought. We are not always the most qualified person to provide care to our parents. As their health deteriorates, the level of care they require will only increase. This care is exactly what our staff receive special training to provide. All residents receive 24 hour support with any activities that they may need.

3. They Fight For Their Independence

It’s only natural for those we care about to resist our assistance. The feeling of independence is something many of us hold very dear. The slow loss of our independence that comes with age can be a very hard pill to swallow. Especially when you can distinctly remember being fully capable of performing those tasks in the past. Some daily activities can be quite embarrassing to have someone you know well help you with. It can be very hard for many elderly to accept help from the same people they used to provide for. No one likes to feel like they are incapable. These complex emotions cause many older people to resist care provided by family members at every turn, leaving all parties frustrated and flustered. If this is a common sight in your home, it may be in their best interest to move them into an assisted living home. It can be easier for the caregivers to assist them because having never been a dependent in the residents life, there is less of a drive for the resident to prove their independence.

4. Signs Of Aggression

When Dementia or Alzheimer’s sets in with age, confusion and more dramatically, aggression can increase. Sometimes changing them completely from the loving, kind, and supportive people we once knew them to be. This aggression can manifest itself in many ways. From shouting, to physical altercations, and even all the way to sexual aggression. None of these forms of aggression are well received in any home, and they are a great sign as to when it is time to put them in assisted living. Assisted living homes and their staff are specially trained to handle outbursts of these kinds, making them an optimal place to keep your loved ones happy and healthy. The buildings, schedules, and activities we perform are all specially designed to reduce confusion resulting in dramatic outbursts of aggression.

If you or a loved one are finding yourself in any of these situations, making the move to an assisted living home may be the best option for you and your family. To learn more about where our homes are located and what makes us different, visit our locations page or schedule a tour! If you have any questions or concerns about your situation, feel free to call us anytime and we will be happy to help!

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