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Tips for When Aging Parents Won’t Listen

We were always taught to listen to our parents, but what happens when your aging parents refuse to listen to you? This is a stage of life that adult children can find frustrating. It’s a new stage of life that isn’t taught to us in school. So, what can you do when your Mom or Dad won’t listen or take your advice?

Here are 5 tips to help:

  • Decide on Importance
    Sometimes you will have to pick your battles. Is it really a safety issue or something that is just irritating? Sometimes weeding out the importance of the issue can help move on to more important matters.
  • Don’t Beat Yourself up
     You can’t do everything. Being a caregiver or handling aging parents can be hard. Sometimes you need a gentle reminder that all you can do is stand by, watch closely and jump in when needed. Be patient with yourself and the situation.
  • Accept the Situation
    A good mantra to have is “it is what it is” Adults are adults and have the right to make decisions. Even though some of the decisions may be poor in your eyes, sometimes you may have to accept the situation as it is. If your aging parent isn’t in harm, they will still want to make decisions.
  • Find and Outlet
    You may need to find a friend or support group to confide in. It can be very helpful to strategize or vent to someone outside of your situation. Support groups can be very helpful in being able to talk to others that may be in your similar situation.
  • Understand the Motivation
    It’s important to analyze and try to figure out if they are acting out to assert independence or perhaps having feelings of depression or confusion. Identifying the motivation behind their behavior can help figuring out ways to overcome the challenges that may be presented to you.

Have you or your family had an experience where an aging parent wouldn’t listen? Do you have advice for others on what helped you out? If so, we’d love for you to leave a comment below!


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